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Chance Beauty IPL Hair Removal CH-T1

Product ID: CH-T1
Product Name: IPL Hair Removal
Product Features:
-Round hook design
-5th gear energy
-Automatic continuous light output
-LED digital display, 990000 flashes




IPL Pulse Light Unhairing Technology

+Hypnotic hair follicle

IPL pulse light penetrates into hair follicle and the hair follicle gradually shrinks under the action of light and heat

+Hair loss

Atrophy of hair follicles. Hair falls off naturally and  grows slowly

+Inhibition regeneration

Long term irradiation inhibit hair growth, long-term maintenance of silky skin

5 Light Blocking Intensity Customized Control

One key to adjust the light intensity. For the first time it it recommend to gradually strengthen the gear from the first gear. The higher the gear, the better the effect

Product Components

+LCD Panel

The appropriate gear can be adjusted according to the situation

+Body heat sink

Prevent the temperature of the fuselage from being too high and use it safely

+3CM² cap area

Intelligent detection of skin color to ensure safety

+Flash button

Press the flash key to start the hair removal operation




Contact: Chance Sales Team

Phone: +86 137 9435 5706


Whatsapp:0086-137 9435 5706

Add: No.4 Valley 7, Shipo South, Letong Village, Huadu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China